BFP Attendance Monitoring System with QR Code
The BFP Attendance Monitoring System with QR Code is a web-based project designed to streamline the attendance process at the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). It replaces the traditional manual logbook system with a more efficient QR code-based solution. Each Personnel, On-The-Job Trainee, Immersion participant, and Visitor is assigned a unique QR code for easy time-in and time-out scanning. This system reduces time spent on manual entries, minimizes errors, and allows the Officer of the Day to generate accurate attendance records. The platform also enables admins to download and print filtered attendance data for reporting. With secure backup storage, the system ensures that attendance records are safely stored and readily available, preventing data loss. This project improves accuracy, efficiency, and reliability in monitoring attendance at the BFP.
The key features of the system include:
Login/Logout Services: This feature ensures system security by requiring authorized users to input their username and password to access their respective accounts.
Dashboard Module: allow users to view the total number of Personnel, OJT, Immersion, and Visitor and the corresponding attendance for today, including those registered. A centralized interface where administrators can monitor attendance in real-time and view summaries.
Register Module: enables the admin to register Personnel, OJT, Immersion, and Visitor and admin can edit and view their information’s.
Attendance Module: this module is where the qr code are scanned for attendance.
Reports Module: , allows the user to search for a Personnel, OJT, Immersion, Visitor name and view their attendance. Generates detailed attendance reports. This feature allows admin to download and print filtered data for report.
Users Module: this module allows the admin to add users to the system.